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Life is too short
Life is too short


This blog combines the best resources online to educate you about the many possibilities to earn serious money online. Whether it be through Saving or Investing the old fashioned way, or to start a small business, get started in the gig-economy or to strive for other passive income streams like blogging creating a Vlog or starting a podcast. The world is your oyster.

The goal is to educate you and to offer realistic ways to improve your personal wealth.

There is no one size fits all method which is right for everyone. If you just finished college you will have a different set of tools and resources to your disposal to grow than if you are in your late fifties with a family and mortgage. The good news though is that there is a way for each and everyone of you to make some serious money.

You may not want to become a multi millionaire but instead you may be content with earning a little something to augment your salary. In that case too, you can be ensured to find the right information here

Whatever your goals this blog is here to help.


Who we are


I was born and raised in Germany. In 1997 after University I came over to the united states. I am now located in northern Virginia just north of Washington DC. In my spare time I am always working on other things.

Event though I am still working the 9 to 5, I have always had an entrepreneurial spark inside me. Over the years I have tried and failed at many things. I believe that each failure brings me one step closer to success. Every time I fail I think of it to have discovered another way which does not work. So I adjust and either continue down that path or I re-group and look into other options.

I always liked to share and to contribute. I have written many open source tools in the past and also was able to build a small side income from my blog and from my play-store apps from Google.

I am continuously learning new things and trying out ways to improve my skills. Get rich quick is not something I believe in and so my planning is always over multiple years. This blog is a love child born out of this intrinsic passion to discover realistic means for side hustles. Join this fun and exciting journey of mine. You can learn from my successes and failures along the way.

So stay tuned, sign up for the email list and take action.

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